Lent, Day 20: The Peace of God and Peace with God

A Season of Hope ~ Preparing Our Hearts for Easter
Romans 5:1
“Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.”
Peace on earth has evaded us for thousands of years and still does. The daily news testifies to the threats and work of terrorists, unspeakable violence, strife, wars, epidemics, slavery, imprisonment, homelessness, hunger, and despair around the world. Did the angels proclaim at Jesus’ birth that we would experience earthly peace? No, the announcement of His birth was a proclamation of the arrival of the Prince of Peace who would bring a two-fold peace: peace of God—a peace that passes all understanding that only He can give; peace with God—the result in our hearts when we come into a right relationship with Him. This gift of peace is available to all who open their hearts to receive Him. Only God Himself can give this particular gift. We are reminded during this Lenten season of this profound, incomparable free gift that is available to all who place their trust in the resurrected Christ. Have you accepted Jesus’ gift?
Dear heavenly Father, so often we expect externals or tangibles to provide peace to fill the emptiness we feel inside. We acknowledge that only through your Son can we experience true peace, the peace that fills the emptiness in our hearts, the peace that passes all understanding. May Your peace, Lord Jesus, reign in our hearts today and every day! In Your name we pray, amen.