Day 24: Pray for the Leaders in Every State ~ 40 Days of Prayer for Our Nation

Romans 13:1
“Every person is to be in subjection to the governing authorities. For there is no authority except from God, and those which exist are established by God.”
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You today to pray for all those men and women who are currently serving in State government positions and those hoping to serve after this election. We continue to pray that each individual in a position of authority knows the One who placed them there, and that each one would place their faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, and so we pray now, as we have many times during the course of these 40 Days, that every heart would have fear and reverence for You, O God.
We pray that every man and woman realize their personal inadequacy, that apart from You they can accomplish nothing. We pray that every leader’s life be marked by integrity and that they be reminded that they are accountable to You first, and then to the ones they serve. There are many issues upon which we agree and disagree, but rancor and rhetoric have caused such deep divisions that it seems impossible to bridge the divide. May those rifts begin to soften and dissolve so that productive work can be accomplished for the good of the citizens of each State.
May Your Word guide them in their decision-making and may their eyes be wide open to see the pitfalls along the way that would prevent them from staying the course, working for their constituents, without regard for personal gain, or with impure motives, pride, or grasping for power. May they lead with wisdom and fairness.
We ask, dear Father, that a fresh breeze of unity would flow through our state houses, all the way to the governors’ mansions, where all sides can come together for the common good of each State to promote good laws. We beg for the hearts of minds of our elected officials to have compassion for “the least of these,” from the pre-born to those who are aged and all those in between, so that all Americans in every one of the 50 States can live free, practice their faith, and pursue happiness without government interference. Your Word says that when the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice. Oh, may we rejoice, indeed, in the leaders You appoint over us! In the mighty name of the Lord Jesus we pray. Amen.
– painting by William Magnum
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