Day 286: 40 Days of Prayer for Our Nation ~ Day 19 Prayer for the Leaders of the Nation*

Psalm 2: 10-11:
Therefore, you kings, be wise; be warned, you rulers of the earth. Serve the LORD with fear and celebrate his rule with trembling.

“Our Father, bless, we pray Thee, the leaders of this nation. Strengthen the courage of the representative in Congress assembled—sincere men (and women) who want to do the right, if only they can be sure what is right. Make it plain to them, O Lord. And then wilt Thou start them out on the right way, for Thou knowest that we are hard to turn.

Forgive them for the blunders they have committed, the compromises they have made. Give to them the courage to admit mistakes. Take away from us a nation and as individuals that stubborn pride which, followed by conceit, imagines itself to be above and beyond criticism.

Save our leaders, O God, from themselves and from their friends —even as thou hast saved them from their enemies:
• Let no personal ambition blind them to their opportunities.
• Help them to give battle to hypocrisy wherever they find it.
• Give them divine common sense and a selflessness that shall make them think of service and not of gain.

May they have the courage to lead the people of this Republic, considering unworthy the expediency of following the people.

Save them from the folly of man-made schemes and plans. Give to them the faith and the courage together to seek God’s inspired plan and, finding it, to propose it, knowing that when it is God-inspired, Thou wilt open the way for it through all obstacles.

As Thou hast made and preserved us a nation, so now mold us into a people more worthy of a great heritage. In Thy strong name we make these prayers. Amen. ”

*The Prayers of Peter Marshall, Chaplain of the Senate, 1947-49, p99