Day 95: Easter Monday ~ an Epilogue

Romans 6: 8-9
“Now if we died with Christ, we believe that we will also live with him. For we know that since Christ was raised from the dead, He cannot die again; death no longer has mastery over Him.”

“Lo! Jesus meets us, risen from the tomb;
lovingly he greets us, scatters fear and gloom;”
~ Richard B. Hoyle

Last year’s Easter Sunday was like no other. Many of the traditions that we have taken for granted and hold dear—worshipping with our church friends, followed by a big dinner with family, to name just a couple—were squashed because we had been shuttered by a teeny tiny microscopic virus. Gloom had descended upon the world; fear had gripped many; the deadly disease had its way with millions.

But, God made a way, and this year our Easter celebration was a bit more normal with live church services (though social distancing is still in place) followed by a special dinner enjoyed in our home for part of our family. Just minutes have passed since we exchanged hugs, kisses, and expressions of grateful thanks for their coming. We said our good-byes, waved as the family pulled out of the driveway after another Easter celebration had come to an end. Leftover food has been wrapped and put away for another meal on Easter Monday. Once dirty china and silver flatware have been cleaned and stacked, ready to be stored away for another holiday. High energy has given way to weariness. But what a sense of joy, gratitude and praise to the One who made it all possible. He brought us through the last year with our family in tact and our mental, spiritual and physical health strong. We praise God from whom all blessings flow!

As this Lenten season has come to an end, this is not the end of the story. On that first Easter, Jesus conquered not only fear and gloom, but death itself. And because of Him, they have no hold on us. In the days ahead, may we remember how Jesus brought us through the past year, a year like no other, where fear and gloom hung heavy over our world. Our Savior lives! He is Risen! No matter what we face tomorrow, next month or next year, always remember that this same Jesus, the King of Glory, is coming again! Let us keep watch!

“The King is Coming” ~ lyrics by Charles Millhuff, Gloria Gaither and Bill Gaither.

The marketplace is empty,
No more traffic in the streets,
All the builders’ tools are silent,
No more time to harvest wheat,
Busy housewives cease their labors,
In the courtroom no debate,
Work on earth is all suspended
As the King comes thro’ the gate.

O the King is coming,
The King is coming!
I just heard the trumpets sounding,
And now His face I see,
O the King is coming,
The King is coming!
Praise God, He’s coming for me!

Happy faces line the hallways,
Those whose lives have been redeemed,
Broken homes that He has mended,
Those from prison He has freed,
Little children and the aged
Hand in hand stand all aglow,
Who were crippled, broken, ruined,
Clad in garments white as snow.

I can hear the chariots rumble,
I can see the marching throng,
The flurry of God’s trumpets
Spells the end of sin and wrong:
Regal robes are now unfolding,
Heaven’s grandstand’s all in place,
Heaven’s choir now assembled,
Start to sing “Amazing Grace!”

O the King is coming,
The King is coming!
I just heard the trumpets sounding,
And now His face I see,
O the King is coming,
The King is coming!
Praise God, He’s coming for me!