Day 158: Building Community

Hebrews 10:23-25
“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful; and let us consider how to stimulate one another to love and good deeds, not forsaking our own assembling together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another; and all the more as you see the day drawing near.”

One often hears the word, “community” in Christian circles and numerous books and Bible studies have been written on the subject. I can testify to the fact that being actively engaged in a variety of communities during my forty-seven years of being a Christian— made up of a body of believers of different ages, interests, status, education, and spiritual maturity—has been stretching, enriching, rewarding, and at times overwhelming but without doubt worth the investment. Jesus set the example in choosing twelve vastly different men to foster an authentic community of brothers. He poured His life into them by teaching, fellowshipping and praying with them every day for three years. Some of you may have questions about what real community is so here are the Who, What, When, Where, and Whys of authentic Christian community:

WHO makes up a community? That would be you, me, her, him, them! Community is not just for those within our own church but can include workmates, neighbors, family members, and other small groups. Community crosses religious backgrounds, gender, racial, ethnicity, and socio-economic differences.

WHAT is community? According to Webster’s Dictionary, it is “a group of people with common characteristic or interest living together in a larger society.” It’s amazing how easily it happens when community is built upon the common foundation of Jesus Christ.

WHEN does community happen? Ideally a group would meet on a regular basis—weekly, bi-monthly or monthly for an agreed upon amount of time that allows for fellowship, study, and prayer.

WHERE does community take place? At church, in homes, places of work, even restaurants or places of recreation can be a suitable environment to build community.

WHY is community important? Because we all have a God-given need for closeness and connection to Christ, to His Word and to His people. As Christians, we are to be transformed into the image of Christ and being part of authentic community helps each of us in that process.

HOW does community happen? Here are four essentials of authentic community:

• By getting to know one another: being vulnerable in communicating about one’s life; sharing one’s history over a period of time; building trust with confidences safely kept.
• By loving one another: one of my favorite adages is “Dependence breeds love.” Our dependence upon God breeds a deeper, abiding love for the Father; our dependence on each other breeds love as well.
• By serving one another: remember the example of Jesus’ washing the feet of His disciples—the Master becoming the servant. How hard it must have been for the disciples to accept Jesus’ humility but He showed them that He came to save and to serve.
• By celebrating one another: celebrating life, love, answered prayers, rejoicing in milestones, baptisms, New Life, and showing appreciation with words of affirmation along with praises to the Father for great things He has done all go a long way and are vital parts of building community.

What a wonderful picture God has given of His kingdom here on earth. May each of us seek a community that will help us connect, transform and give glory to God.

Lord, we thank You for the picture You have given us of a what authentic community looks like: consisting of people with different faces, different backgrounds, different color with different gifts and talents; a wide community of people who know You, God, and are known by their brothers and sisters; who love You and demonstrate their love freely; who serve You and are served by the members of the body; who acknowledge by their praises to You, the wondrous working of Your Holy Spirit in the lives of Your children, through prayer and celebration. May it all be for Your sake and to Your glory, Amen.