
“Two Are Better Than One”





Two are better far than one
For counsel or for fight;
How can one be warm alone?
Or serve his God aright?
Join we then our hearts and hands:
Each to love provoke his friend;
Run the way of his commands,
And keep it to the end.

Woe to him whose spirits droop!
To him who falls alone!
He has none to lift him up,
To help his weakness on:
Happier we each other keep;
We each other burdens bear,
Never need our footsteps slip,
Upheld by mutual prayer.

Who of twain has made us one,
Maintains our unity:
Jesus is the cornerstone,
In whom we all agree:
Servants of one common Lord
Sweetly of one heart and mind,
Who can break a threefold cord
Or part whom God hath joined?

Oh that all with us might prove
The fellowship of saints!
Find supplied in Jesu’s love
What every member wants!
Grasp our high callings prize!
Feel our sins on earth forgiven!
And meet our head in heaven.

~ lyrics by Charles Wesley

~ artist unknown